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A Bulldog’s reaction to seeing his human in his bed (Video)


Ilenia Colombo

Posted on updated the

There are undoubtedly many things humans do that confuse their canine companions. We go out and leave them alone, put on clothes, eat from plates (not bowls), hug, gesticulate, laugh, and so on.

For one English Bulldog, seeing what his human dad was doing with his doghouse left the lovable pooch feeling a little grumpy and confused.

Confused puppy

In the clip of Reddityou see a English bulldog staring confused at his owner lying on dog bed. The man asks the dog why he is not allowed to stay in his dog’s bed.

The dog barks back as if to tell his owner to get out of his doghouse! The man doesn’t move and tells the dog that he he usually sleeps in his bedso why can’t he sleep in his?

My bed, not yours

The dog is not very impressed by her words and barks again at his master who tells the adorable puppy that he is not afraid of him. The animal then rests its paws on him and tries to put its head under the man as if trying to get him up.

The man he bursts out laughingas well as the person filming the scene and the four-legged hilarious antics.

But in the end the man gives in. While he still laughs, he gives a big kiss on the dog’s head and gets up from the bed of his beloved puppy.

One thing is certain: dogs can invade our beds to the point of almost throwing us out, but we mustn’t dare go near theirs!

Read also: Is it good or bad to sleep with a dog? The pros and cons

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