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8 simple and cute ideas

Cat toys are important to your feline friend as they replicate the hunting experience a cat would have in the wild.

Not having the right toys to meet his needs could lead to your pet turning your belongings into his toys, chewing and scratching them!

Make simple ones DIY cat toys It’s a fun DIY project and a free, sustainable way to treat your pet to fourzamoe some fun pastimes to keep him busy.

What objects do cats like to play with?

Chances are you’ve found your cat playing with something in the corner of the room only to discover it’s a random household item they happened to find on the floor.

Cats can turn anything into toys, whether their owner minds it or not. These household items can make ideal cat toys just as they are:

  • Pencils
  • Paper bag
  • Spools of thread
  • Empty cardboard box
  • pine cones
  • Toilet paper tube
  • Socks
  • Ping pong balls

What toys do indoor cats need?

Even though they’ve always lived indoors, they still have the same instincts as outdoor cats. Therefore they need many fun and challenging toys.

The best toys for indoor cats are ones that will keep them entertained for as long as possible and that they can play with safely without human supervision. Balls (with or without bells inside), feathers, mice with catnip and scratching posts are ideal.

Just make sure that before you leave your mustachioed friend indoors alone with a new toy, you cat-proof it by removing any small decorations or ribbons that he might chew and swallow.

Simple DIY cat toys: how to build them?

There are numerous simple DIY cat toys that you can make yourself at home. You don’t need to have awesome crafting skills, but all you need are some household items, some creativity, time and patience; soon your feline friend will have a wonderful selection of DIY cat toys just for him!

DIY cat games: lots of very nice ideas!

The benefit of making homemade items like cat toys is that in addition to saving money, you can also make the right toys for your cat. There are several little games you can make, here are some simple ideas to get you started.

Cat fishing rod

Fishing rods and wand toys are great for cats as they can chase, “hunt” and catch them.

You can use them to play with your cat or let them play alone (with supervision). All you need is a stick, string, and a fun little toy (like a ball with a bell in it, feathers, pieces of ribbon, or a piece of paper).

To make a cat fishing rod tie a string tightly at one end of the stick and then tie the toy or feather to the other end of the string in a knot.

Kitties love fishing rods! ©Tatyana Vyc / Shutterstock

Feline friendly catnip

This puppet is one of the easiest DIY cat toys to make. Just take a small scrap of fabric and put a pinch of catnip in it. Fold the fabric over the catnip and tie a knot in the center to hold it in place.

Puppet with catnip: Kitty will love it! ©Lukasz Pawel Szczepanski / Shutterstock

DIY cat toy with box!

Cats love to hide in boxes, so close up a medium sized box and take some pictures. Kitty will enjoy getting in and out of it!

How much our beloved felines love boxes! ©New Africa / Shutterstock

Toy with a sock

When you can’t find the right match for a sock, stuff it with crumpled tissue paper, a bell and some catnip, and once you tie a knot at the end, your cat will have a wonderful toy to play with. You can fill the sock with anything you think your cat will love.

Reuse old clothes

Following the same principle of recovering and reusing fabrics, if you have old t-shirts that you no longer use, don’t throw them away. Instead, cut them into strips and tie a few together in the center. Holding a couple of strips in hand, dangle them near your feline and he won’t be able to resist grabbing them!

pom pom

Make some DIY pom poms – soft and irresistible, your cat will surely love to chase them!

Mind activating games for cats do it yourself

There are DIY cat toys that can stimulate your pet’s mental activation. Here are some examples below.

Toilet paper puzzle toys

Turn an empty toilet paper roll into a puzzle toy by simply placing some tasty cat treats inside, tucking the edges in, and letting your cat figure out how to get the treats out.

How adorable with the cardboard toy! ©MizKitty / Shutterstock

Food distributor

Among the do-it-yourself interactive games for cats is the food dispenser. To make one, take a clean, empty beverage bottle or butter dish and cut a small hole in one side. Put some cat treats inside, replace the lid tightly, and give it to your feline friend. By moving the bottle or the container, the croquettes will come out and Micio will have fun devouring them!

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