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4 things to avoid on the International Day of Nonviolence

Sometimes there are behaviors with the dog that are involuntarily aggressive and educate himself to aggression.

Il 2nd October if you celebrate the International Day of Nonviolence and, on the occasion of this anniversary, we learn to communicate with our 4-legged friend, avoiding gestures and behaviors that may be over the top.

The risk is that of teach the dog to act on impulse violently, which is best avoided.

1. Never yank the dog

If the dog is just a puppy and often doesn’t obey commands, let’s avoid yanking it and to act physically against him, even without using violence, in the hope that he understands the command.

Pulling is a physical reaction that teaches the dog nothing at all, but on the contrary leaves him with a sense of unease who could always vent against his fellow man.

Better to use a firm tone and not give up until he has learned the command.

2. Do not pull the leash in the presence of other dogs

If your dog loves to walk and socialize with other animals, avoid holding him on a leash and pulling him to you every time another dog approaches him. Suddenly feeling alienated from his fellow man could make him feel themisperception that it is a dangerous encounter.

In danger, many dogs tend to defend themselves by growling or attacking first and in the long run feeling away from another dog for no reason can teach them that animals are dangerous and that he must defend himself from them.

3. Don’t play with his bone

In order for the dog not to become the leader of the family, the owner must always have the possibility to remove the bone or the bowl of food, without being afraid of being attacked.

Dogs are very jealous of what they eat and the only way to prevent them from becoming aggressive if taken is do not tease them while they chew.

To tease is meant to provoke the dog as a game, simulating the gesture just to see how he reacts or simply to play, in fact. For the dog food is not a game and in the long run this attitude leads him to be even more protective of his bone and his bowl, becoming aggressive.

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4. Pay attention to the commands

Especially at an early age, the puppy learns a lot and each command must be considered to prevent it from being aggressive or making the dog unintentionally violent. Avoid using words like “attack” even if only referring to a toy of his and do not teach him to destroy things to make him vent.

This kind of attitude, as you grow up, could be turned against your fellow human beings or other human beings.

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